The highs and the lows

So last night at Cole's 2:00am check he was 64, which of course means that we have to wake him up and make him drink 4 oz of juice only to check him again 15 minutes later.  So we check again it's 112.  112 seems ok, it's in the normal range.  So back to bed we go.  I lay in bed trying to fall asleep and keep staring at the baby monitor watching Cole just sitting up in his crib looking around probably thinking to himself "are they going to come back in here and poke my finger again?"  Poor kid, 2:45 and he finally falls back to sleep.  Now I am thinking 3 more hours till I need to wake up.  Of course along with thinking "was 112 high enough for sleeping, should we have given him another juice".  I tell myself he will be ok and finally go back to sleep.

Today Cole stayed home with Robert until after lunch since Robert didn't go to work till 3:00.  Robert said he didn't eat much breakfast so he didn't give him a shot.  Lunch rolled around and Cole was in the low 200.  Not bad, that's kind of normal for him.  Then I get a call from daycare at Cole's afternoon check.  The lady says Cole is 496, she said she thought she did something wrong so she checked another finger 468.  She calls wondering what she needs to do, I am thankful they care enough to call.  I tell her nothing I will correct him at dinner. 

I get off work and go pick Cole up.  We get home and I make dinner really quick and at 5:30 check him again.  He's down to 305.  I decided I better check for ketones.  Checking for ketones in a child that wears a diaper is a pain!!  You have to place cotton balls in his diaper and wait till he pees.  Then take the cotton balls and squeeze them into a cup to get the urine out then dip the test strip in the urine.  Such a pain.  So I put the cotton balls in his diaper and wait.  I go to check him and of course he didn't just pee he also went number 2... gross.  Sorry kid I am not squeezing those cotton balls.... round 2.  Wait another hour and finally I can check for ketones and of course there is a moderate amount.  Now it's bedtime and he's dropped to 112.  Ugh 112, not ideal (now there's an appropriate use of the word ideal -- sorry family joke).  He's suppose to be around 200 for bed but I hate to carb him up since he's been so high today and has ketones.  I put him to bed with more cotton balls in his diaper so I can check at 2:00am.  Here's to hoping there are no more ketones and he's not too low. 

Well I better go to sleep because if there is still ketones I have to call the after hours number and find out from the doctor on call what we need to do. 

Oh the joys of parenthood.  :  )


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