3 Years Ago Today
Three years ago today, I was waiting at the doctor to find out what was going on with my son. Three years ago today, I took my first ambulance ride, sitting next to my 13 month old son. Three years ago today, I watched my baby get poked multiple times while the PICU staff tried to get 2 IV’s started in him. Three years ago today, my child laid limp in my arms while I tried to provide him comfort. Three years ago today, my child was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. Cole turned 4 last month and we celebrated 4 years of life with Cole. This month is Cole’s 3 year diversary (it’s been 3 years since his Type 1 diagnoses). While we do not celebrate having diabetes, we are celebrating that diabetes hasn’t slowed him down. So what’s in store tonight for his celebration? Well a night at Gattiland of course and his favorite dessert (a chocolate mousse cake from Costco). That’s right pizza and chocolate cake for our little diabetic. Diabeti...