Dental Work and Scary Lows

Yesterday Cole had to have some dental work done. It required him to be partially sedated. Nothing to eat or drink after midnight until after his appointment which was scheduled for 7:45am. Sounds easy enough, right? Try throwing Type 1 Diabetes into the mix. This requires a lot more thought and a lot less sleep. For those that don't know, if Cole's blood sugar drops below 70 we have to treat by giving juice, candy, fruit (something that will get his blood sugar up). If we do not get his blood sugar up, he could have a seizure, go unconscious, or even die. So what does that mean when he has procedures done that requires no food or drink? Well it can be a bit tricky. Usually we try to run his numbers a bit higher than we would. We can do this by reducing his basal rate (the amount of insulin he gets continuously) or we can reduce his bolus for his dinner meal (insulin he gets per carb consumed). So Sunday nigh...