
Showing posts from 2015

Type 1 411

It’s hard to believe that my little guy is 3 1/2 years old and that he has already lived with Type 1 Diabetes for over 2 years.  We have learned a lot in the past couple years and have so much more to learn.  Every day is different, but every day is filled with love and laughter.  I know some people get angry when people show ignorance towards what Type 1 Diabetes is, including my husband.  To me I can’t get angry at something that I was totally clueless about until my son was diagnosed.  Sure it could be easy to get angry at people that know him and have heard the story but still just don’t quite get it but why get angry when I can educate…. OK I will admit after “educating” for the 100 th billion time I get angry but hey who wouldn’t? I still can’t say I know everything there is to know about diabetes. It’s been 2 years and I still struggle trying to make the right decisions when it comes to being Cole’s pancreas.  There are some things I have ...

Another Year Has Gone By

I remember the day I found out I was pregnant.  I think every mom prays that their child is born safe and healthy, I know I did.  I remember the day Cole was born, my sweet healthy boy.  Good size, good height, all 10 fingers and all 10 toes.  I remember feeling blessed at how easy Cole was.  He ate well, he slept well and he hardly fussed.  He was a great baby.  Looking back maybe he was so easy to help us spot when something was obviously really wrong.  By the time Cole was a year old it seemed he was already eating and drinking like a 5 year old.  So on March 18, 2013 when Cole refused to eat we knew something was really wrong.  Even in previous sicknesses he still ate like a champ.  Cole’s breathing was becoming very labored as well.  We took him to his pediatrician.  She vowed not to let him leave her office until she could figure out what was wrong.  I will not go into the rest of the story because we k...