Our first trip with the big D… and I don’t mean divorce or Dallas : ) We recently took our first trip since Cole has been diagnosed with diabetes. It went pretty well, besides the packing. Not only did I have to make sure I packed everyone’s clothes, towels, sheets, blankets, pillows , water toys, life jacket, etc…. I had to make sure I packed the insulin bottles, the syringes, alcohol wipes, lancets, glucose meter, his frio bags to keep the insulin cool, test strips, cotton balls, ketones strips (as I type that I realize I forgot the ketone strips, thankfully we did not need them). Oh the joys of packing. Oh and not to mention his carb free snacks. A trip isn’t complete without lunch meat and cheese. I was so concerned with making sure I brought all his diabetes stuff, I forgot his swim diapers and his toothbrush and toothpaste… but I guess that’s what Walmart is for. So we make our first stop on our road trip...